Centre for Evidence-based Health Care hosting Campbell Collaboration workshop on Systematic Reviewing for Evidence-Based Practice

DSC04699 The Campbell Collaboration http://www.campbellcollaboration.org/ conducts systematic reviews of the effects of interventions in the field of education, crime and justice, social welfare and international development. On the 25 and 26 November, Drs. Emily Tanner-Smith and Sandra Wilson from Vanderbilt University, USA, facilitated a systematic review workshop hosted by the Centre for Evidence-based Health Care www.sun.ac.za/cebhc<http://www.sun.ac.za/cebhc> and the South African Cochrane Centre www.mrc.ac.za/cochrane<http://www.mrc.ac.za/cochrane>. Participants from Stellenbosch University, University of Cape Town, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, University of the Western Cape, Medical Research Council and the Human Science Research Council  joined. Over the 2 days, through lectures and small group work, facilitators covered various topics focused on systematic review methods for studying the effectiveness of social interventions. We acknowledge the funding support from the Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Stellenbosch University, and HEARD, UKZN http://www.heard.org.za/.